
文章来源:hydrogenfuelcellinfo碳交易网2020-07-20 00:10


Additionally, as part of the new recovery instrument Next Generation EU, the InvestEU programme will see its capacities more than doubled. It will support the deployment of hydrogen by incentivising private investment, with a strong leverage effect.
此外,作为下一代欧盟计划(Next Generation E)的一部分,投资欧盟计划预计将产能增加一倍。计划将通过激励私人投资用强杠杆作用以支持氢能部署。
A number of Member States have identified renewable and low-carbon hydrogen as a strategic element of their National Energy and Climate Plans. These plans will have to be taken into account when designing the national recovery and resilience plans in the context of new Recovery and Resilience Facility.
Furthermore, the European Regional Development Fund and the Cohesion Fund, which will benefit from a top-up in the context of the new initiative REACT-EU, will continue to be available to support the green transition. The possibilities offered to carbon intensive regions under the Just Transition Mechanism should also be fully explored.
Synergies between the Connecting Europe Facility for Energy and the Connecting Europe Facility for Transport will be harnessed to fund dedicated infrastructure for hydrogen, repurposing of gas networks, carbon capture projects, and hydrogen refuelling stations.
In addition, the EU ETS ETS Innovation Fund, which will pool together around €10bn to support low-carbon technologies over the period 2020-2030, has the potential to facilitate first-of-a-kind demonstration of innovative hydrogen-based technologies. A first call for proposals under the Fund was launched on 3rd July 2020.
The Commission will also provide targeted support to build the necessary capacity for preparation of financially sound and viable hydrogen projects, where this is identified as a priority in the relevant national and regional programmes, through dedicated instruments (e.g. InnovFin Energy Demonstration Projects, InvestEU) possibly in combination with advisory and technical assistance from the Cohesion Policy, from the European Investment Bank Advisory Hubs or under Horizon Europe.
委员会还将为在相关的国家和地区计划中将其确定为优先项目的财务健全且合理可行的氢能项目提供针对性的支持,例如InnovFin Energy能源示范项目、投资欧盟计划、凝聚基金、欧洲投资银行咨询中心或Horizon Europe政策的建议与技术支持等。
禸*嫆唻@洎:狆國湠棑倣茭昜蛧 τāńpāīfāńɡ.cōm



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