Mr. Li Junfeng is currently serving as the Deputy Director of Energy Research Institute, National Development and Reform Commission. He also holds the professional and academic positions as a Professor and the Chair of the Academic Committee of ERI, and the General Secretary of Chinese Renewable Industrial Association, Vice-Chairman of Global Wind Energy Council, Vice-Chairman of REN 21, etc. He was graduated from Shandong Mining Institute in 1982. Mr. Li is the focal point of REEEP program for the Region of East Asia. He engaged himself of the projects development for GEF and World Bank, UNDP and other program for renewable energy development in China. Recent years, he also involved in Climate Change issue, especially in technology transfer,
CDM and carbon trade issues, and has been heading the development of the first
CDM project in China. He chaired the Sustainable Energy Task Force of the Chinese High Technology 863 Programme under the tenth national five-year plan, and the member of the Hydrogen Task Force of National High Technology 973 Programme. He facilitated the implementation of the national high technology programme for Wind and Solar PV within the tenth five-year plan. Meanwhile, he is also the chief leader author for the development of Chinese Renewable Energy Law. The main literatures are listed as Issues and Options of Green House Gas Emission and Control in China, Renewable Technology Assessment in China, Renewable Energy Planning and Development Strategy, Potential Analysis of Carbon Trade in China, Wind 12 in China, Explanation of Chinese Renewable Energy Law, and Market Analysis of Solar PV Technology in China, China Wind Power Report 2007, China Solar PV Report 2007, China Renewable Energy Industry Development Report 2007, China Wind Power Report 2008, and so on.