
文章来源:XinhuaLi Xia2019-04-24 10:59

Original title:"Zero carbon" conference comes into vogue in China
LANZHOU, April 23 (Xinhua) -- A two-day business conference held in northwest China's Gansu Province is estimated to generate 999 tonnes of greenhouse gas. Meanwhile, 10.6 hectares of land will grow trees to offset the carbon emissions.

China Green Companies Summit is a "zero carbon" conference, a concept which has come into vogue across China in recent years. This kind of conference aims for carbon neutrality -- by taking action to remove as much carbon emissions from the atmosphere as it generates -- and achieve the final goal of zero carbon footprint.

With more than 1,000 attendees, professional assessment agency calculated that the summit would produce around 999 tonnes of greenhouse gas.
To balance out the emissions, organizers of the summit, including China Green Carbon Foundation, China Entrepreneur Club and the provincial commerce, and cultural and tourism departments, will grow trees in a certain area in Minqin County of Gansu.
本`文@内/容/来/自:中-国^碳-排-放^*交*易^网-tan pai fang. com
The plantation is expected to be completed in May. It is predicted that the forest will absorb the amount of carbon emissions produced by the meeting over the next 30 years.
The summit has realized carbon neutrality for nine consecutive years, planting over 41 hectares of trees in Gansu and Inner Mongolia, offsetting around 2,200 tonnes of carbon emissions, according to the China Green Carbon Foundation.
A total of 42 zero carbon conferences have been held in China since the foundation was set up in 2012, which included the 11th summit of the Group of 20 (G20) in the eastern city of Hangzhou. Trees have been planted in Beijing, Inner Mongolia, Zhejiang and Yunnan.


华北【北京、天津、河北石家庄保定、山西太原、内蒙】东北【黑龙江哈尔滨、吉林长春、辽宁沈阳】 华中【湖北武汉、湖南长沙、河南郑州】
华东【上海、山东济南、江苏南京、安徽合肥、江西南昌、浙江温州、福建厦门】 华南【广东广州深圳、广西南宁、海南海口】【香港,澳门,台湾】
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