
文章来源:中国石化新闻网碳交易网2019-03-18 09:28

据World Oil网罗马3月15日消息 埃尼集团承诺,将在未来10年结束前,通过大规模植树造林,消除石油和天然气勘探生产过程中的所有二氧化碳排放
“我们的目标是到2030年实现上游业务的零排放,”首席执行官Claudio Descalzi在周五的公司战略更新中表示。“我们将通过提高效率来实现这一点,以最大限度地减少上游二氧化碳的直接排放,并通过大型林业项目抵消上游的剩余排放。”
吴慧丹 摘译自 World Oil
Eni will plant forests to eliminate CO2 from its oil operations
Eni SpA committed to eliminating all carbon dioxide emissions from its oil and gas exploration and production operations by the end of the next decade, in part by planting forests on a large scale.
The Italian giant’s plan, which entails planting 20 million acres of forest in Africa, is the latest example of major oil companies bowing to pressure to do more to prevent runaway climate change. Its European peers Total SA and Royal Dutch Shell Plc have also set targets to reduce the carbon emitted from their own operations.
“Our objective is to achieve net zero emissions in our upstream business by 2030,” CEO Claudio Descalzi said in the company’s stra�6�7tegy update on Friday. “We will accomplish this by increased efficiency to minimize direct upstream CO2emissions and offsetting residual upstream emissions through large forestry projects.”
The forests planted in South Africa, Zimbabwe, Mozambique and Ghana should be removing about 20 million tons a year of CO2 from the atmosphere by 2030, Eni said. That would offset residual emissions from the company’s upstream business, which it also plans to reduce through greater operational efficiency and minimizing waste. Eni will spend about 1 billion euros ($1.1 billion) on “circular economy” initiatives such as these over the next four years.
Beyond forests, Eni has been investing in converting two of its crude oil refineries in Italy -- Gela and Venice -- to instead use vegetable oils. Venice is the first refinery in the world converted from processing traditional fossil fuels to biofuels, the company said.


华北【北京、天津、河北石家庄保定、山西太原、内蒙】东北【黑龙江哈尔滨、吉林长春、辽宁沈阳】 华中【湖北武汉、湖南长沙、河南郑州】
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