
文章来源:iGDP碳交易网2020-10-20 13:21

据Market Forces 2020年9月9日发表的文章,澳新银行将放弃未制定低碳转型计划的客户,在9月8日澳新银行2020年ESG简报会上,银行CEO Shayne Elliot说。
ANZ CEO Shayne Elliot says the bank will drop customers who fail to develop low carbon transition plans. Speaking at ANZ’s 2020 ESG briefing yesterday, Elliot said:
“But if we get to a point – and we haven’t yet I’m glad to say – but if we get to a point with a customer where we just don’t think they are taking it seriously, we don’t think they get it, that to us is a massive red flag.”
“If we really don’t see an alignment of values, we would move to exit that customer.”
“If you’re in one of those industries and you’re not even thinking about this, or you’re dismissive…we would have massive concerns about the viability of that business.”
The comments were made in regards to ANZ’s initiative of engaging its top 100 largest emitting customers, “to encourage and support them to establish, or strengthen existing low carbon transition plans by 2021, focusing on energy, transport, buildings food, beverage and agriculture.”
Market Forces对上述言论表示欢迎,并期待澳新银行放弃将使《巴黎协定》失败的客户,此举获得了公众的支持。
Market Forces welcomes these comments and looks forward to ANZ dropping customers whose business plans would spell the failure of the Paris Agreement, which it publicly supports. 
Market Forces研究协调员Jack Bertolus对这一倡议发表评论说:
Commenting on the initiative Jack Bertolus, Market Forces Research Coordinator, said:
“If ANZ is serious about this initiative it must drop clients whose business plans clearly rely on the failure of the Paris Agreement. And fundamentally that means, first and foremost, not backing companies or projects which expand the fossil fuel industry.”
Market Forces的研究显示,有22家澳交所上市公司与《巴黎协定》"格格不入",因为它们:
Research by Market Forces reveals 22 ASX-listed companies are ‘out of line’ with the Paris Agreement because they’re:
Expanding the scale of the fossil fuel sector; and/or
Relying on scenarios consistent with the failure of the Paris Agreement to justify their future business prospects.
根据Market Forces的研究,澳新银行在2016-2019年间已经为其中的12家公司提供了19亿美元的贷款,包括新希望煤业、桑托斯和伍德赛德。
According to Market Forces’ research, ANZ has loaned $1.9 billion to 12 companies in this group from 2016-2019, including New Hope Coal, Santos and Woodside.
New Hope, which plans to spend over $2 billion on projects that would significantly increase coal production out to 2039, is the subject of a shareholder resolution calling on the company to demonstrate how it will wind up its current operations to ensure capital isn’t wasted on new projects misaligned with the Paris Agreement.
根据9月4日的报道,澳新银行目前正在为桑托斯安排5亿美元的贷款,该公司正在新南威尔士州推行备受争议的纳拉布赖天然气项目。澳大利亚前首席科学家在提交给独立规划委员会的评估文件中写道:“大约50%的澳大利亚天然气储量必须留在地下,以实现全球控制温升2℃的情景。因此,批准新的化石燃料开发或扩张与控制全球温升2℃的目标不相符, 即便采矿作业结束,‘锁定’排放和升温也将持续”。
According to a report on Friday, ANZ is currently arranging a US$500 million loan for Santos, which is pursuing the highly controversial Narrabri gas project in NSW. In a submission to the Independent Planning Commission assessing the project, Australia’s ex-chief scientist wrote:“About 50 per cent of Australian gas reserves must remain in the ground to achieve a 2°C [global warming] scenario. Thus, approval of new fossil fuel development or expansion is incompatible with keeping global warming to 2°C, and will `lock in’ emissions and warming far beyond the end of mining operations.”


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