油气行业技术顾问DNV GL发布的一份新报告显示,五分之一(21%)的油气行业资深人士表示,他们的公司已经在积极进入氢气市场。
《氢气的发展》对 1000多位石油和天然气专业人士的调查,以及对行业高管的深入采访。该报告认为,近期该行业投资重点的转变,不太可能影响该行业减少
DNV GL发现,报告说他们的组织正在积极适应低碳密集能源组合的人数显著上升——从2018年的44%上升到2020年的60%。目前,无碳氢的生产、传输和分配被广泛认为是石油和天然气行业脱碳努力的核心组成部分。
DNV GL-石油和天然气首席执行官Liv A. Hovem表示:“随着能源转型的步伐加快,氢成为人们关注的焦点——这是理所当然的。但是,要实现其潜力,政府和行业都需要做出大胆的决定。现在的挑战不是雄心壮志,而是改变时间表:从地平线上的氢燃料,到我们家庭、企业和交通系统中的氢燃料。”
DNV GL在亚太地区(56%)、中东和北非地区(54%)和欧洲地区(53%)的调查对象中,超过一半的人认为氢将在未来10年内成为能源结构的重要组成部分。北美(40%)和拉丁美洲(37%)紧随其后。
曹海斌 摘译自 油气新闻
DNV GL: hydrogen central to oil and gas industry decarbonisation
A new report reveals that hydrogen has surged up the priority list of many oil and gas organisations, taking a primary position in the sector’s decarbonisation efforts.
A fifth (21%) of senior oil and gas industry professionals say their organisation is already actively entering the hydrogen market, according to a new report published by DNV GL, a technical advisor to the sector.
Heading for Hydrogen draws on a survey of more than 1000 senior oil and gas professionals and in-depth interviews with industry executives. The report suggests that recent shifts in the industry’s investment priorities are unlikely to affect the sector’s long-term efforts to reduce carbon emissions.
DNV GL found a significant rise in those reporting that their organisation is actively adapting to a less carbon-intensive energy mix – up from 44% for 2018 to 60% for 2020. Carbon-free hydrogen production, transmission and distribution is now widely recognised as a central component to the oil and gas industry’s decarbonisation efforts.
“Hydrogen is in the spotlight as the energy transition moves at pace – and rightly so. But to realise its potential, both governments and industry will need to make bold decisions,” said Liv A. Hovem, CEO, DNV GL – Oil & Gas. “The challenge now is not in the ambition, but in changing the timeline: from hydrogen on the horizon, to hydrogen in our homes, businesses, and transport systems.”
More than half of respondents to DNV GL’s research in Asia-Pacific (56%), the Middle East & North Africa (54%) and Europe (53%) agree that hydrogen will be a significant part of the energy mix within 10 years. North America (40%) and Latin America (37%) are only a little behind.