
文章来源:iGDP碳交易网2020-05-15 09:53

IEEFA2020年4月20日发布分析文章披露,阿亚拉公司(Ayala Corporation)正通过其子公司AC Energy推动菲律宾的能源转型,该公司4月19日发布了到2025年的撤资计划以及到2030年的全面退出煤电的计划。
Ayala Corporation, through its subsidiary AC Energy, is driving the energy transition in the Philippines, with a divestment plan by 2025 and a full coal exit by 2030 announced yesterday.
可再生能源成本的迅速下降为世界各地的能源系统带来了新的可能性,其中就包括给菲律宾企业集团带来的新机遇。明智的企业参与者和投资者正在远离煤电,因为煤电会导致越来越多的“搁浅资产” (这是描述项目遭到意外的减记或贬值的术语)。
The rapid drop in the cost of renewable energy has opened new possibilities in energy systems around the world, including new opportunities for Philippine conglomerates. Wise corporate players and investors are steering clear of coal-fired power as it increasingly results in “stranded assets’ – a term which describes projects suffering from unanticipated write-downs or devaluations.
Although Ayala Corporation still owns shares in two coal-fired power plants and a third under construction, the company’s transition has been a long time coming.
2018年,其子公司AC Energy设定目标,到2025年出售价值10亿美元的煤炭资产,以重新平衡其投资组合;同时对区域内针对可再生能源技术的扩张增加资金。AC Energy将其在552兆瓦的GN Power Kauswagan(GNPK)燃煤发电项目中的股份出售给合作伙伴Power Partners 公司,并于最近将600兆瓦AA火电厂部分出售给Aboitiz power Corp。
In 2018, its subsidiary, AC Energy, set a goal to sell US$1 billion worth of coal assets by 2025 to rebalance its portfolio while raising capital for regional expansions that targeted renewable technologies. AC Energy sold its stake in the 552 megawatt (MW) GNPower Kauswagan’s (GNPK) coal-fired power project to its partner, Power Partners Ltd., and more recently completed a partial sale of its 600MW AA Thermal coal-fired power plant to Aboitiz Power Corp.
到目前为止,AC Energy通过多元化投资组合,在越南、印度尼西亚和菲律宾拥有208兆瓦的风能、495.8兆瓦的太阳能和235兆瓦的地热。该公司拥有全球可再生能源开发公司UPC Renewables 50%的股份,在澳大利亚新南威尔士州也有400兆瓦太阳能和800兆瓦风能在规划中。
So far, AC Energy has diversified its portfolio with 208MW of wind, 495.8MW of solar and 235MW of geothermal in Vietnam, Indonesia and the Philippines. The company, which owns a 50% stake in global renewable energy development company UPC Renewables, also has a pipeline of 400MW of solar and 800MW of wind in New South Wales, Australia.


华北【北京、天津、河北石家庄保定、山西太原、内蒙】东北【黑龙江哈尔滨、吉林长春、辽宁沈阳】 华中【湖北武汉、湖南长沙、河南郑州】
华东【上海、山东济南、江苏南京、安徽合肥、江西南昌、浙江温州、福建厦门】 华南【广东广州深圳、广西南宁、海南海口】【香港,澳门,台湾】
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