
文章来源:慧聪工程机械网碳交易网2017-02-17 10:08

  斯德哥尔摩 2017年2月9日
  科学减碳倡议SBTi 是一个关注气候变化的国际性组织,旨在通过国际合作,共同努力使全球气温增长维持在2℃以下,这是2015年巴黎气候变化协议的主要目标之一。该倡议由四个国际知名组织:世界自然基金会(WWF),联合国全球契约(UN Global Compact),CDP和世界资源研究所(WRI)联合组成。
  富世华集团首席执行官兼总裁Kai Wärn如是说:“我们对碳减排目标是有着雄心壮志的,可衡量的,并且现在已被独立批准。我们的目标是减少整个价值链的排放 - 从供应商到产品应用。实现这一目标不仅为了加速商业发展,它还为员工,客户和投资者传递同一种价值理念。设定目标并获得科学减碳倡议SBTi批准,表明我们认真致力于为低碳未来做出贡献。”
  联合国全球契约 项目主席,科学减碳倡议SBTi合作伙伴之一,Lila Karbassi表示:
  * Husqvarna AB承诺以2015年为基准年,于2020年将范围一(scope 1)和范围二(scope 2)的单位增加值排放量减少30%。此外,公司承诺在同一时间内将范围三(scope 3)的单位增加值排放量减少10%(采购的商品和服务,运输和产品使用排放)。这是富世华长期目标中的一个里程碑,即从2015年基准年起到2035年减少其产品使用的范围三(scope 3)的绝对排放量的33%。
  富世华集团是世界领先的户外园林机械生产商。富世华产品包括链锯,割灌机,绿篱机,割草机器人和骑乘式草坪车。富世华集团也是欧洲的花园浇灌系统的领导者;同时为建筑施工及石材行业生产专业设备和金刚石工具,是建筑产品的世界领导者。集团的产品和解决方案以不同品牌通过经销商或零售商向超过100多个国家的消费者和专业人士提供服务,品牌包括Husqvarna富世华,Gardena嘉丁拿,McCulloch,Poulan Pro,Weed Eater,Flymo,Zenoah小松和Diamant Boart。富世华集团2015年的净销售额为360亿瑞典克朗;集团在40个国家拥有超过13,000名员工。
  科学减碳倡议SBTi致力于设定以科学为基础的减碳目标,使公司在向低碳经济转型的过程中大幅提高竞争优势。 该倡议由四个国际知名组织:CDP,世界资源研究所(WRI)世界自然基金会(WWF),及联合国全球契约(UN Global Compact)联合组成,并且是全球商业气候联盟(We Mean Business Coalition)一员。该倡议定义并推广基于科学的目标设定的最佳实例;提供实施过程中扫除障碍的资源及指导;独立评估及批准公司的减碳计划。
  Ambitious greenhouse gas emissions commitment approved byScience BasedTargets Initiative
  Husqvarna Group is the first Swedish listed companyand the world’s first forest and garden company, to have its greenhouse gas emission reduction targetsapproved by the Science Based Targets Initiative.
  The Science Based Target Initiative works withcompanies to set ambitious emission reduction targets, consistent with the globaleffort to keep temperature increases well below 2°C, one of the key goals ofthe 2015 Paris Agreement on climate change.The initiative is a collaboration of The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), UNGlobal Compact, CDP and World Resources Institute (WRI).
  The Husqvarna Group hascommitted to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions intensityby 10 percent across the company’s value chain by 2020 from a base year of 2015.The absolute greenhouse gas emissions will be reduced by 33 percent by2035, also from a base year of 2015.*
  “Our greenhouse gas reduction targets are ambitious,measurable and now also independently approved. We aim to reduce our emissionsthroughout the value chain – from our suppliers to the use of our products.Delivering on these targets not only strengthens our business, it deliversvalue to employees, customers and investors alike. Setting the targets andgetting approval by the Science Based Targets initiative, demonstrates thatwe’re serious and committed to contributing to a low-carbon future,” says KaiWärn, CEO and President of Husqvarna Group.
  Lila Karbassi, Chief,Programmes, UN Global Compact, one of the Science Based Targets initiativepartners says:
  “Husqvarna Group hasrecognized the opportunity – and the imperative – to be part of the transitionto the low-carbon economy. By having their ambitious target approved, they nowhave a clearly defined pathway to cut their emissions and this will helpfuture-proof their growth. Other companies that have set targets have seenbenefits including increased innovation, reduced regulatory uncertainty,strengthened investor confidence and improved profitability andcompetitiveness. We encourage other companies to follow Husqvarna’s lead.”
  Husqvarna Group will reduce greenhouse gases across thevalue chain by:
  Shift from petrol to battery products
  Innovative solutions for efficiency improvement of petrol driven products
  Production close to customer & direct distribution
  Efficient transportation by optimized packaging
  Waste reduction through a lean operating system
  Utilizing renewable electricity and/or own generated energy by solar panels
  Embedding the TOP 150 suppliers into the Group´s CO2 program to ensure full value chain impact
  Formore information, please contact
  Åsa Larsson, Global Media and Sustainability Manager
  Phone: +46 8 738 90 80
  Email: asa.larsson@husqvarnagroup.com
  *Husqvarna ABcommits to reduce scope 1 and scope 2 emissions 30% per unit of value added by2020 from a 2015 base-year. In addition, the company commits to reduce scope 3emissions 10% per unit of value added within the same timeframe (purchasedgoods and services, transportation, and product use emissions). This is amilestone in the long-term goal to reduce absolute scope 3 emissions from theuse of their products 33% by 2035 from a 2015 base-year.”
  Husqvarna Group is a world-leading producer of outdoor power products for garden, park and forest care. Products includechainsaws, trimmers, robotic lawn mowers and ride-on lawn mowers. The Group isalso the European leader in garden watering products and a world leader incutting equipment and diamond tools for the construction and stone industries.The Group’s products and solutions are sold under brands including Husqvarna,Gardena, McCulloch, Poulan Pro, Weed Eater, Flymo, Zenoah and Diamant Boart viadealers and retailers to consumers and professionals in more than 100countries. Net sales in 2015 amounted to SEK 36 billion and the Group has morethan 13,000 employees in 40 countries.
  About the Science Based Targets initiative
  The Science Based Targets initiative championsscience-based target setting as a powerful way of boosting companies’competitive advantage in the transition to the low-carbon economy. It is acollaboration between CDP, World Resources Institute (WRI), the World Wide Fundfor Nature (WWF), and the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) and one of theWe Mean Business Coalition commitments.The initiative definesand promotes best practice in science-based target setting, offers resourcesand guidance to reduce barriers to adoption, and independently assesses andapproves companies’ targets.


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