In 15 months time, the world will gather in Paris tosecure a new legally binding global climate change agreement with emissionsreductions commitments from all countries. Failure in Paris would see ourchances of limiting climate change to manageable levels go down and the costsof doing so go up.
Global emissions are on track to be, by 2020, somewayshort of the most cost effective pathway for keeping climate change to belowthe 2 degree rise the scientists judge is needed to avoid the most catastrophiceffects. And if we do not reach agreement in Paris the vector of action neededbecomes increasingly steep with each passing year; and the economic costincreasingly expensive.
So everything we can humanly do between now and thento make an ambitious agreement in Paris possible must be done.
For the UK, the main direct risks from climate changeare likely to come from flooding and disruption of services. But we are also anopen trading nation and our prosperity is inextricably linked to world markets.More extreme climate change impacts in other parts of the world – from food andwater shortages – to the mass migration of people fleeing the worst effects –these are our problem too. And they will cost us.
Only those with the hardest hearts and the meanestminds would be prepared to gamble their children’s future given what we alreadyknow. Nobody with even the most rudimentary understanding of managing riskwould conclude that doing nothing is an option.
The mere act of the Governments of the world, thebusinesses of the world, the people of the world coming together as one totackle a shared problem, would set an example for the future.
That we can unite – and we can overcome the mostcomplex and demanding of problems. If we have the will. And that is unity ofpurpose. Unity of purpose here at home is in our domestic politics and civilsociety – and increasingly our business community. And the same unity of purposeis increasingly evident in many countries across the world – including the keyheavy carbon economies of the US, China, India and here in Europe.
国际形势 International momentum
For the very first time we have the key ingredients inplace that give us a real chance of a truly global deal. In 2009, at Copenhagenmany felt that momentum was lost – and with that faith in the internationalprocess. But over the past few years, momentum has shifted decisively.
If a legally binding international agreement is thetop-down requirement – to provide stability, certainty and an equitablerules-based framework. What we are seeing, increasingly, is bottom up climatechange action – with national climate change legislation proliferating, carbonpricing mechanisms spreading and new policies and regulations beingintroduced.
Almost 500 climate laws have been passed in 66 of theworld’s largest emitting countries. And it’s not just the rich industrialisednations taking action.
Last year alone Bolivia, El Salvador, Guatemala,Kenya, Mozambique and Nigeria passed climate change legislation. Mexico hasfollowed the UK’s example and put in place a comprehensive climate change law,with medium and long term targets.
Carbon markets – which can reduce the cost ofemissions reduction – have now been put in place in over 40 countries – and itis happening at sub-national level as well – counties, states, localgovernments are acting.
And business is increasingly seeing the opportunitytoo of a burgeoning global green marketplace that is worth trillions of poundsand growing all the time. Investment in renewables has outpaced investment infossil fuels for the fourth year running. Of course there are regrettableexamples of backsliding – from Canada for instance – and worrying signals fromAustralia and, more understandably, Japan.
And we will work constructively with these countriesto draw them back into step with the other major economies. Their targets inthe new global deal is the opportunity for them to do so. But the facts on theground are changing – and this is putting a global deal within reach.
四大经济体 The big four
In China, President Xi Jinping has been pursuing hisvision of ecological civilization that softens its tread upon the earth. Thevision embeds climate action in its national planning process and created toughsanctions for officials and companies flouting environmental legislation. AndChina has set tough new targets for coal consumption. China is working todecarbonise its energy demand and is already the world’s largest non-fossilfuel energy producer. And is one of the world’s leaders on sub-national carbonmarkets.
And in the US, since Kyoto in 1990, many have seen theUnited States as part of the problem rather than the solution. But many USstates have been acting where Federal Government has previously not done so.More than 20 states have energy efficiency targets and over 30 have setrenewable energy targets. And now under President Obama, the Climate ActionPlan of 2013 should enable the US to get back on track, including by proposingrobust emissions regulations for power plants, so filling the gap at thenational level.
Historically the EU has been one of the world’sleading advocates of climate change action. And has been living up to itsreputation by exceeding its Kyoto obligations with emissions set to reduce bymore than 20% by 2020. The challenge for Europe is to maintain its course,despite the obvious economic problems in the Euro Zone.
已成立的绿色增长集团I (Green Growth Group I),现拥有13个成员国,代表了75%的欧洲人口,85%的欧洲GDP以及欧盟部长理事会60%的投票,以期就低碳、促进增长的政策立场达成共识,从而形成巴黎大会上强有力的谈判立场。并且下个月,欧盟开会同意新的2030能源框架时,我们将在一项宏伟的协议中看到努力的成果——欧盟境内温室气体排放量降低至少40%的目标。
The Green Growth Group I set up to build consensusaround a low-carbon, pro-growth policy position and consequently a strongnegotiating position for Paris, now boasts 13 member states representing 75% ofEurope’s population, 85% of Europe’s GDP and 60% of the votes in the Council ofMinisters. And next month, when the EU meets to agree the new 2030 EnergyFramework, we will see the fruits of that effort in an ambitious deal for adomestic greenhouse gas target of at least 40%.
So India, China, US and the EU are all demonstratingin their national and regional policies, the kind of action we need toformalise in Paris.
国内行动 Action at home
The UK has been at the forefront of helping to shapethe right kind of climate change architecture that can work.
The 2008 Climate Change Act was the world’s firstlong-term, legally binding national framework for reducing emissions. Our fiveyear carbon budgets – that will eventually reach out to 2050 – are now beinglooked at as a potential model in other countries. The 2013 Energy Act iscreating the world’s first low-carbon electricity market. And we are attractingrecord amounts of investment in renewables and our low carbon business sectoris booming.
巴黎之路 The path to Paris
Our vision is of a successful agreement in Paris thatreflects the environmental and economic realities. That reflects individualcountries ability to make contributions, is sensitive to their industrialdevelopment and the standard of living of its people. We need an agreement thatis credible – and fair – with emissions reductions from all countries – butwith commitments that reflect the ability of countries to makereductions.
The most advanced economies have to make the most ambitiouscommitments – reflecting their responsibility for emissions and their capacityto absorb change.
The EU should show a lead by agreeing this year anambitious 2030 framework with a domestic target of at least 40%. The G7 and G20should follow suit – so that by the time we reach Paris, there are no surprisesand we are clear about what is on the table.
A global agreement needs a rules-based system thattracks progress, creates trust and allows us ratchet up ambitions to meet thescience.
We must mobilise support for the poorest countries sothat there is no doubt that climate change action and development can go handin hand.
Above all else, we will need to maintain the politicalwill to secure an agreement in Paris. And we will need to sustain momentumafter Paris too. Because Paris is not the end of the road. This is aninter-generational challenge that will require successive political generationsto renew their commitment.
更多信息 Further information:
巴黎2015:达成全球气候变化协议方能永葆繁荣 Paris 2015: Securing our Prosperity through a Global ClimateChange Agreement