
文章来源:中国碳排放交易网碳交易网2014-04-23 23:30


UNEP/CBEEX --Project Assistant Recruitment

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Working Project Name: The Partnership on Waste Water Technology Transfer​

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Location: China​

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Application Deadline: May 30 2014​ 本`文@内-容-来-自;中_国_碳排0放_交-易=网 t an pa ifa ng . c om

Type of Contract: Service Contract​

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Post Level:  Junior Assistant​

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Language Required: English Chinese​

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Starting Date: 1 June 2013​ 本`文@内-容-来-自;中^国_碳0排0放^交-易=网 ta n pa i fa ng . co m

Duration of Contract: 1 year​ 内.容.来.自:中`国`碳#排*放*交*易^网 t a np ai f an g.com

Expected Duration of Assignment: June 2014 to June 2015. The assistant will be based at China Beijing Environment Exchange (CBEEX), however will be required to spend a few weeks at UNEP China Office and for field work based on the consultation process and requirement of the supervisor.​ 本`文-内.容.来.自:中`国^碳`排*放*交^易^网 ta np ai fan g.com

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Education:​ 內/容/來/自:中-國/碳-排*放^交%易#網-tan p a i fang . com

•     Master degree in ecology, business, economics, environmental sciences, or related fields Experience;​

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•     Demonstrable experience and knowledge in the field of environmental management;​

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•     Experience with project development, implementation and management;​ 夲呅內傛莱源亍:ф啯碳*排*放^鲛*易-網 τā ńpāīfāńɡ.cōm

•     Working experience with international organizations;​ 本`文内.容.来.自:中`国`碳`排*放*交*易^网 t a npai fan g.com

•     Excellent communication and partnership building skills with multi-dimension partners;​

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•     Being familiar with waste water areas and environmental sustainability;​

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•     Excellent oral and written communications skills;​ 本文@内/容/来/自:中-国-碳^排-放-交易&*网-tan pai fang . com

•     Sense of diplomacy & attention to detail;​ 本*文`内/容/来/自:中-国-碳^排-放“交|易^网-tan pai fang . c o m

•     Strong organisational skills & ability to work with remote teams and networks;​

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•     Solid IT skills.​ 本%文$内-容-来-自;中_国_碳|排 放_交-易^网^t an pa i fang . c om

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夲呅內傛莱源亍:ф啯碳*排*放^鲛*易-網 τā ńpāīfāńɡ.cōm

•     Chinese national, fluency in English and good knowledge in translation​ 本%文$内-容-来-自;中_国_碳|排 放_交-易^网^t an pa i fang . c om

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Contact person:​ 本+文+内.容.来.自:中`国`碳`排*放*交*易^网 t a np ai fan g.com

If you are interested in the position, please send your resume (Both English and Chinese Version) to the following email address: ltao@cbeex.com.cn. Please email with the title of “UNEP&CBEEX Project Assistant Application-Name”.​ 内-容-来-自;中_国_碳_0排放¥交-易=网 t an pa i fa ng . c om

For the detailed project and position description, please click http://www.chinadevelopmentbrief.org.cn/iafajobview.php?id=7291​

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