禸嫆@唻洎:狆國湠棑倣茭昜蛧 τāńpāīfāńɡ.cōm
这也是自欧盟委员会宣布将在欧盟地区对航空公司实施碳排放交易体系消息以来,针对来自美国、中国、印度、俄罗斯等主要国家对该计划的强烈不满做出呈现缓和态度的新举措。 夲呅內傛莱源亍:ф啯碳*排*放^鲛*易-網 τā ńpāīfāńɡ.cōm
China welcomed a European Union decision not to immediately charge airlines that use airports within EU borders for their carbon emissions in the hope that a better system can be devised.
本+文+内.容.来.自:中`国`碳`排*放*交*易^网 t a np ai fan g.com
Connie Hedegaard, EU climate commissioner, said on Monday the EU will put its emissions rules applying to overseas airlines on hold for a year if the United Nations' International Civil Aviation Organization can agree on an alternative way to curb emission increases. 内-容-来-自;中_国_碳_0排放¥交-易=网 t an pa i fa ng . c om
欧盟决定暂时不对在欧盟境内的航线征收碳排放费,以期出台一套更好的体系,中国对该项决定表示欢迎。欧盟气候专员康妮·赫泽高周一称,如果联合国国际民间航空组织能达成另一项控制碳排放的协议,欧盟将对要求海外航空业遵守欧盟碳排放规定的计划冻结一年,本文内容来源于中国碳排放交易网tanpaifang.com,转载须加网址。 本/文-内/容/来/自:中-国-碳-排-放-网-tan pai fang . com
【讲解】文中的carbon emissions即指“碳排放”,emission指“排放”,“碳排放税”我们可以说成carbon emission tax,“节能减排”英文可以说成energy saving and carbon emission reduction,“低碳社会”可以说成low-carbon society。欧盟之前宣布单方面征收国际航空碳排放费,是为了对抗全球气候变暖(global warming)。