
文章来源:中国碳排放交易网碳交易网2012-05-15 08:51

This story is part of a special series that explores energy issues. For more, visit The Great Energy Challenge.
Sure, you've heard about Big Government. But have you seen its energy bill?
With $25 billion in annual power and fuel costs, the U.S. government is the largest single energy consumer in the nation's economy, and among the largest in the world. Of course, the 500,000 buildings the government leases or owns include not only office space, but supercomputers, hospitals, and aviation safety radar facilities. And the 600,000 vehicles that Uncle Sam has to tank up include those conveying troops engaged in active combat.

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For years, it has been clear that there's a big opportunity in the sheer size of this energy footprint. The U.S. Congress has been setting federal efficiency goals since 1978—in hope not only of cutting costs and foreign oil dependence, but also of leading the way for energy savings in the private sector.
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The Obama administration now is seeking to ramp up that effort dramatically—with the help of an unprecedented $4.5 billion in stimulus funds to be spent by next September entirely for federal green building and renovation projects. By executive order, the federal government is aiming to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 28 percent by 2020.
奥巴马政府现在寻求大大地加强这方面的努力 -- 建立一笔前所未有的45亿美元的激励基金,要在明年9月之前全部用于联邦政府绿色建筑和改造项目上。通过执行令,联邦政府旨在到2020年将其温室汽体排放降低28%。
"We have an opportunity to be an example for American building, a proving ground for what works," says Bob Peck, commissioner of public buildings for the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA), the agency that manages real estate and procurement for the civilian government. "We can show what kind of payback in energy saving do you really get, and just how efficient and effective these new technologies are--from [solar] photovoltaics, to smart advanced meters, to solar heating," he says. "And we're happy about this imperative, because it takes the government from being a follower to one of the first adopters." 本+文内.容.来.自:中`国`碳`排*放*交*易^网 ta np ai fan g.com
管理政府民用不动产和采购的美国服务总局负责公共建筑的委员 Bob Peck 说,“我们有机会成为美国建筑的典范,一个实验场。我们可以证明从节能中你真正能够得到什么,这些新技术是多么的有效率和效果显著 --  从太阳能光伏到先进的智能仪表,到太阳能加热器。我们对这样的紧迫责任很高兴,因为它使政府从一个跟随者成为第一个采用者。”
Unheralded Success
In fact, the U.S. government has successfully reined in its power use since Congress first began setting targets in the wake of the 1970s energy crises. Energy use per square foot in U.S. government buildings has fallen nearly 30 percent since 1985. In ordinary commercial buildings in the United States, the trend has been headed in the opposite direction—with so-called "energy intensity" increasing 13 percent between 1992 and 2003, according to the most recent figures available.
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事实上,美国政府自1970年代的能源危机中意识到,国会第一次开始设定目标后就已经成功地收紧能源的使用。自1985年以来,美国政府建筑每平方英尺的能源使用量已经下降了近30%。而根据最近的已知数据显示,美国日常商业建筑有向相反方向发展的趋势 -- 1992年至2003年期间,所谓的“能源密度”增长了13%。
"I've always found these figures striking," says Jeff Harris, vice president for programs at the nonprofit Alliance to Save Energy, a coalition of business, government, and environmental groups focused on efficiency. "I think we often haven't given enough credit to the work that has been accomplished."
非盈利的节能协会(一家致力于提高效率的由企业、政府和环境集团组成的联盟)负责项目的副总裁 Jeff Harris 说:“我总是发现这些数据是引人注目的,我认为我们经常对已经完成的工作没有给与足够的赞赏。”
禸*嫆唻@洎:狆國湠棑倣茭昜蛧 τāńpāīfāńɡ.cōm

But the challenges remain substantial. Even with the U.S. government's large efficiency improvement, its defense, safety, and science missions require so much juice that energy per square foot still is 30 percent higher than that of the private sector. And efficiency progress appeared to be slowing. Energy improvements had to be made out of the $1 billion per year the GSA typically is budgeted for new construction or renovation of its portfolio of federally-owned buildings. Last year, a report by the U.S. Department of Energy's Federal Energy Management Program said that overall government energy intensity improvement was only 1.2 percent in 2008, less than half the goal of 3 percent per year set both by Congress and under an executive order by former President George W. Bush. "The Federal Government is not likely to meet its goals in the coming years using a business-as-usual approach," the report said.
The federal building projects that have been contracted with a total $5.5 billion in funds under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act are meant to be a departure from business as usual. Congress stipulated that $4.5 billion of that total be spent on "green" building projects. So far, GSA has awarded 70 solar photovoltaic projects, projects for advanced electricity metering in more than 250 buildings, more than 200 lighting projects, more than 190 roofing upgrades, and 250 water conservation projects.
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使用美国恢复和再投资法案下设立的55亿美元基金,一些政府建筑项目已经签署了建设承包合同,这表明政府将改变一切如常的态度。国会规定,其中45亿美元必须用于"绿色"建筑项目。至今,美国服务总局已经确定了70个太阳能光伏项目,在超过250个建筑中使用先进的电子仪表,200个照明项目,超过190个屋顶升级改造和250个水保护项目。 本文@内/容/来/自:中-国-碳^排-放-交易&*网-tan pai fang . com

And there are major renovations, such as the $160-million makeover of GSA's own headquarters, which will begin in January just a couple of blocks from the White House in downtown Washington, D.C. Here, the government hopes to reclaim some of the original features of the E-shaped building. Its large internal courtyards were designed to provide natural lighting and ventilation for those working inside when the structure was built in 1917.
有一些主要的改造工程,例如1.6亿美元用于美国服务总局自己总部的装修,它离华盛顿市中心的白宫只相隔几个街区,工程将于一月份开始。在这里,政府希望恢复这个E 型建筑的一些原有特征。当这个建筑于1917年建造时,有一个很大的内庭院,是为工作在里面的人照明和通风而设计的。
"The buildings that were built before the age of air conditioners were designed as green buildings—they just didn't call it that," says Peck. "They had large windows and no one could have an office that didn't have access to daylighting. And the windows could be open on both sides of narrow corridors so the air could flow through." 禸*嫆唻@洎:狆國湠棑倣茭昜蛧 τāńpāīfāńɡ.cōm
Peck 说,这个建筑是在还没有空调的年代建造的,是个绿色建筑,只不过那时没有这个说法。这个建筑有巨大的窗户,没有一间办公室不能照到日光。狭窄的走廊两边的窗户都是可以打开的,所以可以通风。
But as has been typical in buildings in recent decades, the windows of the GSA building were painted shut many years ago so workers could not allow air-conditioned or heated air to escape. Peck says that one of the many innovations in the refurbished building–including solar water heating, a "cool roof," and an extensive water recycling system—is simply a plan to allow workers to open the windows. The building still will have air-conditioning, but it will be controlled in separate zones. And Peck imagines that workers will sometimes receive email informing them when days are so hot they need to keep windows closed. "We're going to have a hybrid system and we're going to learn some things about how you manage air temperature," he says.

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但是,就如同这几十年来典型的建筑一样,美国服务总局的建筑许多年前就将窗户喷漆并关闭了,这样可以不让冷风和暖气跑掉。Peck 说,这个建筑翻新的许多改造工程中有一项,包括太阳能热水器,一个“冷屋顶”,和广泛的水循环系统 -- 一个简单的计划,让办公的人们打开窗户。大楼内还是有空调,但是将分区控制。Peck 设想,将会有电子邮件告知办公的人们,天气很热需要关上窗户。他说,我们将有一个混合系统,而且我们将学习一些有关如何管理空气温度的事情。
The U.S. government already has had success with new natural ventilation buildings, including the GSA office building in San Francisco, California, and new space for the U.S. Department of Energy's National Renewable Energy Laboratory in Golden, Colorado. In fact, since 2000, the U.S. government has had 310 buildings certified as high-performing examples of sustainable architecture under the U.S. Green Building Council's Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) program, and 3,500 more federal buildings are pursuing certification. "They are out in front on green buildings," says Melissa Gallagher-Rogers, director of the government sector programs for the building council. 内/容/来/自:中-国-碳-排-放*交…易-网-tan pai fang . com
美国政府已经成功地建成了有新风系统的建筑,包括在旧金山和加利福尼亚州的美国服务总局办公楼,还有在科罗拉多Golden的美国能源部国家再生能源实验室的新址的新风系统。实际上,自从2000年以来,美国政府有310座建筑获得证书,作为美国绿色建筑委员会领导的能源和环境设计(LEED)方案下的高性能可持续建筑的样板,还有3,500个联邦的建筑在申请取得证书。建筑委员会负责政府部门的董事Melissa Gallagher-Rogers 说,他们在绿色建筑上走在了前面。
In late October, GSA said it would require that every new federal building and substantial renovation project meet the LEED "Gold" standard, an upgrade from the "Silver" target that had been in place since 2003. "I think that there's a huge momentum that's being built up and I think we're just going to continue moving forward and improving the performance," says Gallagher-Rogers.
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Fueling Change
Nancy Sutley, who as chair of the White House Council on Environmental Quality is President Obama's chief environmental adviser, says the variety of the federal government's building portfolio may be as big a challenge as its size. "We have every possible kind of building from the White House to a homeland security port of entry in Maine that's dealing with temperature extremes," she says. "So we're thinking about how to apply green building standards to a very diverse set of buildings."
白宫环境质量委员会主席,奥巴马总统的首席环境顾问Nancy Sutley 说,联邦政府建筑的多样性比他的规模之大更具有挑战性。我们有各种可能形式的建筑,从白宫到缅因州的国土安全口岸,需要应对极端气候,因此,我们正在考虑如何将绿色建筑标准适用于各种各样的建筑。
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And in working toward its greenhouse gas emissions goal for 2020, the federal government also will have to tackle the challenge of vehicle fuel. In fact, more than 60 percent of the government's energy consumption is for transport—particularly jet fuel. But Sutley says that the Department of Defense, with numerous programs to shift to greener fuels and reduce oil dependence, has set one of the most aggressive greenhouse gas reduction targets government-wide: 34 percent by 2020. 本/文-内/容/来/自:中-国-碳-排-放-网-tan pai fang . com

在为达到2020年温室气体排放标准而工作的同时,联邦政府还将要解决汽车燃料的问题。事实上,60%以上的政府能源消费是用在了运输上-- 特别是喷气式飞机的油料。

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Sutley 说,但是国防部有许多项目是使用更加绿色的燃料以减少对石油的依赖,建立了一个最激进的降低温室气体的目标,整个政府在2020年达到34%。 本`文@内-容-来-自;中_国_碳排0放_交-易=网 t an pa ifa ng . c om

"Fuel is a huge cost for them dollar-wise, but it also is a huge cost when they have to send these fuel convoys hundreds of miles into Afghanistan to provide fuel to the troops, putting people's lives at risk," Sutley says. "So reducing their operational energy is also protecting the troops, and it also is an example of how across the federal government, agencies are recognizing that sustainability is mission-critical."
Sutley 说,燃料是他们巨大的开支,但是当他们将燃料转运至几千英里之外的阿富汗为军队提供燃料,使人的生命承担风险,则更是巨大的开支,因此,降低他们的运营用能源也是保护军队,这也是整个联邦政府及其下属机构如何认识到可持续性是关键任务的一个例证。

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