清洁发展机制(CDM)及项目实施简介 夲呅內傛莱源亍:ф啯碳*排*放^鲛*易-網 τā ńpāīfāńɡ.cōm
中国资源综合利用协会可再生能源专业委员会 本+文+内/容/来/自:中-国-碳-排-放(交—易^网-tan pai fang . com
CDM(清洁发展机制)对于发展中国家来说,是一个新的国际合作机制。如何了解和充分有效的利用好这一机制,使之服务于发展中国家的可持续发展是许多国家普遍面临的问题。我国已经建立CDM的管理机构,颁布了“清洁发展机制项目运行管理暂行办法”。在全方位多层次开展能力建设的同时,积极推进CDM项目的实施,到2004年年底已经批准了两个CDM项目。 本文@内/容/来/自:中-国-碳^排-放-交易&*网-tan pai fang . com
中国被视为最具潜力的CDM市场,约占全球市场的40-50%。要将潜在的市场变为现实的市场还有大量的工作要做,如进一步完善CDM项目的管理办法、审批程序和相关的政策,建立中国自己的项目咨询机构以减少交易成本,提高企业参与的积极性等等。 本`文-内.容.来.自:中`国^碳`排*放*交^易^网 ta np ai fan g.com
禸*嫆唻@洎:狆國湠棑倣茭昜蛧 τāńpāīfāńɡ.cōm
CDM (Clean Development Mechanism) is a new international cooperation mechanism to developing countries. It is a new task and challenge for most developing countries to understand and make effective use of this new mechanism to service for their sustainable development. China has already established its DNA and issued the “Interim Measures for Operation and Management of Clean Development Mechanism Projects in China”. With carrying out capacity building activities covering all related sectors at different levels, the Government of China actively promote the implementation of the CDM project. By end of 2004, China has approved two CDM projects with issuing Letter of Approval. 本文+内-容-来-自;中^国_碳+排.放_交^易=网 t a n pa ifa ng .c om
China is regarded as the largest potential market for CDM in the world, sharing 40-50% of the world market. To develop the potential market into a real market, a lot of work need to be done in the area such as improving the Interim Management Measures, approval procedures, and related policies; bring up local Chinese consulting capacities in order to reduce the transaction cost; and getting industries actively involved, and etc. 本%文$内-容-来-自;中_国_碳|排 放_交-易^网^t an pa i fang . c om
More and more people are now aware of the CDM. It is believed that China will be able to make better use of this mechanism to contribute to the efforts to meet the challenge of climate change, and at the same time to serve for the sustainable development of Chinese economy. 本`文@内-容-来-自;中^国_碳0排0放^交-易=网 ta n pa i fa ng . co m
只有在不少于55个《公约》缔约方,其中至少有占工业化国家1990年二氧化碳排放总量55%的发达国家批准议定书后,京都议定书才能生效。鉴于美国拒绝批准京都议定书,则只有俄罗斯都批准议定书才有可能能达到上述要求。 內.容.來.自:中`國*碳-排*放*交*易^網 t a npai fa ng.com
2004年11月18日俄罗斯批准了京都议定书并将批准书递交联合国。这意味着在世界范围内具有法律约束力的减排温室气体的国际协议将在90天后, 即2005年2月16日自动生效。