
文章来源:中国石化新闻网碳交易网2022-08-25 10:00

据油气新闻网8月24日报道,美国石油生产商西方石油公司(Occidental Petroleum Corp)将于今年秋天开始建设其首个碳捕获项目,这是该公司打造温室气体减排业务努力的关键部分。
西方石油负责监管和土地事务的副总裁Tom Janiszewski在科罗拉多州石油天然气协会年度峰会上表示,西得克萨斯的设施将到2024年开始运营。
西方石油公司旗下的低碳风险投资有限责任公司(Low Carbon Ventures LLC)与风险投资公司如欣资本管理公司(Rusheen capital Management)组建了1PointFive,为直接空气捕获(DAC)技术提供许可、融资和部署,这种技术是一种从大气中提取二氧化碳的方法。
郝芬 译自 油气新闻网
Occidental to break ground on carbon capture project
US oil producer Occidental Petroleum Corp will begin construction on its first carbon capture project this fall, an official told an industry group, a key part of its effort to build a business from greenhouse gas reduction. 
Tom Janiszewski, vice president of regulatory and land for Occidental, told the Colorado Oil and Gas Association's annual summit that the West Texas facility would begin operations by 2024. 
Occidental's Low Carbon Ventures LLC arm formed 1PointFive with venture capital firm Rusheen Capital Management to license, finance and deploy direct air capture (DAC) technology, a method of extracting carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. 
The precise location for the West Texas facility has not been identified, but Occidental has applied for tax credits for a project in Ector County. The business also is evaluating a site in Livingston Parish, Louisiana, for a separate DAC operation.


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